5 Things iPhone Users Can Enjoy, Android Users Can Only Dream Of

iPhoe better than Android

When it comes to making a decision to buy a new Smartphone, the first thing you have to decide is whether you should buy an iPhone or a phone powered by Android? It is a fact that many people are loyal to their favorite brand. But still, you might take a few things seriously which are more important than your loyalty to your favorite brand.


Another fact is that different people have different priorities and different needs from their Smartphone so we can’t decide which phone is better. According to some people, iPhone is better than Samsung or Android devices while there is another thought as well according to which, Samsung is better than iPhone.

Regardless of the debate which brand is better, here we will discuss the 5 things that iPhone users can enjoy while Android users can only dream of.

1. More Secured and Reliable Apps

The main thing which makes iPhone users a fan of Apple is the security of their apps and the reliability. According to a Forbes report which was published in 2014, it is claimed that about 97% virus and malware attacks were found on devices powered by Android.

Mobile Malware

The Android platform is open source and anyone can upload the app by paying the one time fee for Playstore account. Whereas, App Store doesn’t allow you to publish your app until it is properly reviewed by the security and quality control team of App store. That is why it is easy to attack Android devices rather than iPhones.

Moreover, iPhone apps are more stable because the developer has to develop his app only for a few models of iPhone and 2 or 3 different screen sizes. While an Android app needs to customized for various brands, various models, for various Android versions and a lot of different screen sizes. So it is easy to develop a reliable and secure app for iPhone as compared to app for Android devices.


2. Quick iOS Updates

iPhone users get latest iOS version at the same time on their devices all around the world. iPhone allows latest 4 iPhone models (which means models launched during last 4 years) to download the latest iOS version which provides them better security and smooth functionality of iPhone.

iPhone Users using iOS 11

On 25th April 2018, Macrumors claim that iOS 11 is already installed on 76% devices whereas the previous version iOS 10 is installed on 19% iOS devices.

On the other hand, if we talk about Android devices, then its latest version Android Oreo was installed on only 4.6%% devices till 17th April 2018. The Nougat was installed on almost 30% devices and Marshmallow on 26% devices. So there are more than 65% Android users are still using at least 3 years older Android version.

There are a lot of Android users who will never get Oreo update on their device though they are using only a w years old Smartphone.

Google collected some data to show the Android distribution on different devices. This data is shown below in percentage users.


Code Name



2.3.3 – 2.3.7Gingerbread100.3 percent
4.0.3 – 4.0.4Ice Cream Sandwich150.4 percent
4.1.xJelly Bean161.7 percent
4.2.x172.2 percent
4.3180.6 percent
4.4KitKat1910.5 percent
5.0Lollipop214.9 percent
5.12218.0 percent
6.0Marshmallow2326.0 percent
7.0Nougat2423.0 percent
7.1257.8 percent
8.0Oreo264.1 percent
8.1 270.5 percent

3. iOS Gets Updates Earlier Than Android Counterparts

If we talk about different applications then iPhone users enjoy the early updates for various apps. As we discussed earlier that developers for iPhone apps need to develop or update an existing app only for few models and fewer screen sizes, so many applications provide their updates for iOS versions first and then they release the updates for Android versions.


So, iPhone users can enjoy the latest versions of apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many more, while Android users have to wait to get the latest stable update.

4. Messages Sync on All Devices

icloud storage message sync

The message application of iOS 11 has now support of iCloud storage. It means that now messages you receive or messages you sent to others will by synced across all your iDevices which are using same Apple ID.

The Android message app still doesn’t have this facility to sync messages across all devices which are using same Playstore ID.

5. iMessage

One of the biggest advantages for iPhone users is that they don’t have to worry about their SMS packages. An iPhone user can send unlimited messages to other iPhones users using the iMessage application. This application required a wifi connection or a cellular data connection.

Though there are many applications like WhatsApp and others, which allows iOS and Android users to send unlimited messages, those messages are not secure. While the messages sent from the iMessage app to another iPhone users are totally safe and secure.

Even the security agencies can’t get access to the database of iMessage without your permission.


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